The Elections Commissioner is responsible to create an atmosphere conducive for free and fair elections and to win the faith of political parties amid massive international pressure on the country, UNP MP Karu Jayasuriya said today.“There is international pressure on the country today. Holding elections for the Northern, Central and North Western Provinces will mitigate that pressure to some extent,” he told a news conference.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Govt is expecting to create and maintain a hostile environment for the democracy in Sri Lanka- UNP
United National Party condemns the Assault made on Uthayan Newa paper office today (13) as another disgusting and cowardly step in Government terrorism.The party says that it is the intention of the Govt to create a violent environment and continuing it.These remarks were made in a media release issued by the Secretary of the United National Party Mr. Tissa Attanayaka.The Media announcement is as follows..
Ravi accuses govt. of trying to keep economy afloat on casinos, taverns
Colombo District UNP Parliamentarian Ravi Karunanayake charged yesterday that the government was trying to run the economy on casinos, taverns and brothers with the national economy in an absolute perilous state and moving without direction.This is the new CTB of the government. It is casinos, taverns and brothels and that is the way the government is running the open economy, despite all its cries of Mathata Thitha.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
US delegations to visit SL- Harsha
Two delegations of US Congress Members are to visit Sri Lanka this year and the next following a pledge given by the Sri Lankan government to support USA’s Asia Pacific Programme, the United National Party (UNP) charged todayUNP National List MP Dr. Harsha De Silva told a news conference that Sri Lankan Ambassador in USA Jaliya Wickramasekera on behalf of the Sri Lankan government had informed the US government that it would support the Asia Pacific programme.
Karu calls for immediate implementation of LLRC recommendations
United National Party Parliamentarian, Karu Jayasuirya calls for the immediate implementation of the recommendations of the Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission before an election.The MP made this comment at a media briefing held in Colombo on Wednesday."The elections that were held in the country after the 18th Amendment came into effect and the 17th Amendment was abolished, cannot be considered as free and fair elections.
Ranil blames SF Commander, Jaffna
UNP and Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe told Parliament yesterday that Jaffna Security Forces Commander Maj. Gen. Mahinda Hathurusinghe was behind the attacks on a political rally held recently in Jaffna.The Opposition Leader said that he himself had attended the rally and some people had attempted to disrupt it. The personnel who came to disrupt the rally were military men in civvies.
Dayasiri bets his seat in parliament
Kurunegala District UNP MP Dayasiri Jayasekera yesterday vowed to resign from Parliament if the facts he had submitted to the House, on a prevailing drug shortage and lack of facilities at the Maharagama Cancer Hospital were proved wrong.Jayasekera said that 17 different drugs used to treat cancer patients were in short supply at the hospital. There was a lack of facilities needed to carry out iodine tests on cancer patients. Some patients had been asked to wait till March 2016 to undergo the tests, the MP said.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Ranil asks govt. if it will talk to US
Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday demanded in Parliament that the Government reveal whether it had any intention of holding negotiations with the US on the progress of the implementation of the LLRC recommendations.Making a special statement, he demanded to know where those anticipated talks would take place, whether it would be in Washington DC, Geneva or Colombo. He also queried whether the government would consult all stakeholders before proceeding and indicate a timeframe for the
An era of development should be established in the UNP, says Ravi
United National Party parliamentarian Ravi Karunanayake says that an era of development should be established in the United National Party.The parliamentarian expressed these views while attending a function in Sirikotha.The New Year Festival of the Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya was held on Sunday at the UNP Headquarters Sirikotha.
Monday, April 8, 2013
UNP urges fuel price reduction in line with world market
The UNP yesterday called upon the government to bring down fuel prices on par with the decreased prices in the world market.UNP spokesman MP Gayantha Karunathilake told The Island that the prices of a barrel of crude oil in the world market had come down to US $ 85 and the government which jacked up fuel prices when the world market prices had been on the rise should bring them down accordingly.
Sajith lambastes govt. for stopping farmer pension scheme
Hambantota District UNP MP Sajith Premadasa yesterday slammed the government for bringing the Farmer Pension Scheme, which the UNP government initiated in 1987, to an abrupt halt from April 2011. A staggering Rs. 2,325 million remains unpaid to farmers.This was in accordance with the Farmer Pension Scheme and Social Security Act No. 12 of 1987, which was enacted in Parliament during the tenure of former Agriculture Minister Gamani Jayasuriya.
Govt. gets husbands into alcohol with money sent by their wives – Anoma Gamage
UNP MP Dr. Anoma Gamage accuses the government of getting husbands to become intoxicated with the use of the money hard earned by their wives amidst various hardships and sufferings as domestic servants in Middle Eastern countries.Speaking to the media today, Dr. Gamage said the government was, illegally and without paying tax, importing spirits and producing alcohol to sell to the husbands.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Think about the people; UNP tells government
The United National Party requests the government to pay attention towards the needs of the public and provide concessions to them.General Secretary of the UNP Parliamentarian Tissa Attanayake speaking at a meeting that was held in Kandy yesterday stated that people were finding it hard to even prepare for the new year.
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