Wednesday, August 7, 2013

UNP questions why national anthem was not played

UNP Parliamentarian Ajith P. Perera on Tuesday demanded to know from why the national anthem had not been played when the Colombo South Port was declared open.MP Perera, participating in the debate on two Orders under the Special Commodity Act (Nos. 1 and 2), said the new terminal and breakwater had been declared open on Monday but the protocol of playing the national anthem had been overlooked.

MP Perera queried whether the national anthem had not been sung owing to any Chinese influence. "What power does China have to stop us playing the national anthem when a harbour built in our country is declared open?"

The MP said that at the opening ceremony there had been more Chinese flags hoisted than the Sri Lankan national flag.

Rural Affairs Senior Minister Athauda Seneviratne: "The national anthem is played at some ceremonies. There are ceremonies where the anthem is played both at the beginning and the end while there are some other ceremonies where it is played only on one of these two occasions. The Hambantota port, too, was built by the Chinese. I remember that at the opening ceremony the national anthem was played. There was no such influence from China. China never tries to control other nations. We invite the UNPers to go out and visit the harbours and other development projects.

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